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“There Is Nothing ‘NEW’ Under The Sun.” – January 2024 Newsletter!

“There Is Nothing ‘NEW’ Under The Sun.”
Happy ‘NEW’ Year 2024!
             While most of the world celebrated a ‘NEW’-born babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, placed in a feeding trough, The Perfect Gift Of God, given to ALL that He Loves, I couldn’t get over how quickly we passed from 2023 to the present, but may have missed The Presence!
The word “new” in the Bible has multiple meanings:
  •  Chadhash
     In the Old Testament, the word “chadhash” is commonly translated as “new” and means “fresh,”   “bright,” or “new”.
  •  Newness
     For Paul, “newness” implies resurrection. It can also refer to the new age, or the kingdom of God   that comes with Jesus.
  •  New creation
     Paul wrote that “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has   come!” (2 Cor 5:17).
  •  New heavens and a new earth
     John looks for new heavens and a new earth because the first ones have passed away (Rev   21:1).
Other Bible verses that mention a new beginning include: 
  • Ephesians 4:22-24
  • Lamentations 3:22-23
  • Isaiah 43:18-19
  • 2 Corinthians 4:16-17
  • Genesis 1:31a
  • Colossians 3:9-11
  • Revelation 21:1-3
           Personally, I was born in ‘NEW’-ark, ‘NEW’ Jersey, got saved and baptized in ‘NEW’ Milford, moved to ‘NEW’ Mexico, have been a ‘NEW’ creation in Christ, since 1982, am presently celebrating the ‘NEW’ Year 2024, after celebrating the ‘NEW” Year 5784, in September 2023 and I’m literally heading toward the spring to celebrate the death of our Passover Lamb, Jesus, which God told Moses (*Exodus 12:2 says, “This month is the beginning of months for you; it shall be the first month of your year”.) would be ‘raised up’ and take away our sins, as far as the east is to the west and never to be brought up again, cast into the sea of forgetfulness and the proof is His resurrection that Sunday, on the feast of first fruits, counting 50 days up to Pentecost, when the promise of The Father, His Holy Spirit was poured out on all flesh!
           The ‘This Is [the beginning of] That,’ of Joel 2, proclaimed by The Apostle Peter in Acts 2, is still being played out in our day, which is why I believe the enemy is going after our children today, because Herod couldn’t wait to kill the babies in Bethlehem, when Messiah was born and Satan wants to distort The Truth Of God’s Word, by taking away the true identity of the sons and daughters, who God says are going to prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels], he doesn’t want the young men to see visions (divinely granted appearances) or the old men to dream ‘divinely suggested’ dreams.  The accuser of the brethren and the sisterhood does not want the men & women servants of God to prophecy [telling forth, predicting future events pertaining especially to God’s kingdom].
           I don’t know about you, but I’m waiting for a ‘NEW’ Heaven and a ‘NEW’ Earth, according to Isaiah 65:17 and in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the last book of the bible, God’s going to give us a ‘NEW’ name and He’s making everything ‘NEW’ – Revelation 21:5.  Jeremiah prophesied of the ‘NEW’ Covenant, which Hebrews tells us is the ‘NEW’ & Better Covenant, so I leave you with the below scriptures to read and meditate on + a footnote at the bottom of this page to prayerfully consider, but please understand, The Word Of God states that no one scripture stands on it’s own interpretation, so like Job’s friends, I would say their words are certainly true, from their own perspective, but not Holy Spirit Truth and for all Solomon’s Wisdom, we all fall short of the glory, but clearly there are many ‘NEW’ things recorded in Holy Script, pointing to ‘NEW’ things that happened, are happening and those that will happen and that’s The Truth!
           PLEASE, Prayerfully consider joining us for the 21 Days of Prayer online and via phone, from January 1-21, 2024 (information is available @ https://www.christianbody.net ) 6:30-8:30pm MT, 5:30-7:30pm PT & 8:30-10:30pm EST – a ’21 Days Of Prayer’ Prayer Guide is available for FREE @ https://www.projectpray.org , so Invite EVERYONE you know from EVERYWHERE, across America & around the World, as we pray for a true spiritual awakening and revival to come to the USA, Israel and the World in 2024 + prayerfully consider taking on the 30 Minute Prayer Challenge @ https://www.prayerattheheart.org – for those living in ‘NEW’ Mexico, if you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer gathering in or around our state, don’t hesitate to contact me!
May God’s Richest Blessings be yours in 2024,
Mark Tross
‘NEW’ Mexico Prayer Connect Coordinator
News and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspective
Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
Ezekiel 11:19
 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them;
Ezekiel 36:26
 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;
Isaiah 40:31
 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
Revelation 43:19
 See, I am doing a new thing!
*Ezekiel 40:1 contains a phrase, “the head of the year” (KJV) or “the beginning of the year” (New King James Version [NKJV]), in concert with a date, the tenth day of the month, which Judaism identifies as Tishri, making this the Day of Atonement.  In this above statement out of Holy Script, I would ask the question, “Why does ‘Judaism’ still celebrate ‘The Head Of The Year’ in the fall, when God clearly told Moses in Exodus 12:2 that from now on it would be in the spring @ Passover?”
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Mark Tross

Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine






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Cross Culture NM



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The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!



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I’m a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,…




JOIN Us Saturday, December 16, 2023 7-8am MT @ http://www.prayersurgenow.net 9:00-10:00 am Eastern
Breakthrough Prayer for the Holy Land with Messianic Jewish Rabbi Mark Tross, Convener, Prayer at the Heart (PATH) New Mexico & 9/23 Israel AWAKE! Gathering, Founder, ChristianBody.Net

10:00-11:00 am Eastern
Breakthrough Prayer for India & South Asia with Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer Call, transformusa.info,

You are more than welcome to connect and pray with us during any portion of PSN 12/16, and please consider sharing this invitation with fellow intercessors across America.

The KINGDOM Is In The Midst Of YOU!

The KINGDOM Is In The Midst Of YOU!

Mark Tross

Mark Tross

Broadcaster @ChristianBody.Net

Subject:‘The Kingdom Is In The Midst Of You!’ November 2023 NM Prayer Connect, PATH-NM, COG-NM & El Paso, TX!

For Behold, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You [In Your Hearts] And Among You [Surrounding You] (AMP).  – Luke 17:21b

Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,

Paul the Apostle tells us that the Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace & JOY In The Holy Spirit! Matthew 4:17 calls us to Repentance, which is a Gift of God and Proclaims that “The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand.” Jesus also in Mark 1:15 stated The Same, as well as in Matthew 3:2 & 4:17 and even in the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3 says, even the humble, those poor in spirit, who rate themselves insignificant are Blessed, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  In Matthew 10, Jesus summoned to Himself, His Disciples, to GO & PREACH, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand!”

Are you a ‘Disciple,’ follower of Christ? If HE is no respecter of persons, then The Same requirements HE put on HIS Disciples then are expected of us today, because HE Is The Same, Yesterday, Today & Forever/Eternally.  HE Himself said to HIS Disciples in the upper room, on Resurrection Sunday evening, “Just As The Father Sent Me, So I AM Sending You, GO & DO Likewise!” Imagine having ALL Power & Authority, as a King or High Priest, now Believe that this is true of you, because God says it is and He can not lie, so what are you going to do with ALL of this? Obedience always brings God’s Blessings, so let’s trust and obey, cause there’s no other way to be happy In JESUS! Under His Anointing, that breaks down every yoke of sin and bondage, GO & DO Likewise, according to His Word, Will & Way.

There’s nothing hidden or buried here, no mystery that has not been revealed, so see the kingdom, because your eyes have been opened, seek the kingdom, because The Hope that is set before you will not disappoint, He Is The Hope Of Israel, The Hope Of The Nations & The Hope Of The World, so follow The King, because He is with you and for you, He promises to go before you, He has your rear guard, He is beside you, on your right and left + you are guaranteed to see His Goodness, Tender Mercies & Loving Kindness, following you ALL The Days Of Your LIFE,  HE’s moving upon, in and through you by HIS Holy Spirit, The Comforter, Who will lead and guide you into ALL Truth & Understanding, so you can accomplish The Works HE has prepared for you to do, before the foundations of this earth were created and as each and every believer does their part, we will come into The FULLNESS Of GOD!

November 5-19, 2023 Pray for the Hindu World @http://www.worldprayerguides.org WATCH the ‘Hidden Mountain’ Documentary @ https://youtu.be/P-_Nx1UA5UE?si=n8xW5Upau6vQQ-jK be sure to SUBSCRIBE @ZionGlory @YouTube and prayerfully consider showing it at a Movie Night in your church or home fellowship – JOIN us LIVE Mondays 6-8pm MT & 9-11am MT on Wednesdays (streaming 24/7/365 Internationally @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv) + if you or someone you know would like to hold a Prayer gathering in or around NM, don’t hesitate to contact me (visit http://prayerattheheart.org).


Mark Tross


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Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.




Mark Tross

Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine






VIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE http://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com



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Simple Church Fellowship

The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!



Ekklesia Outreach

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Mark Tross

I’m a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,…





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Broadcaster @ChristianBody.Net
Subject: ‘The Kingdom Is In The Midst Of You!’ November 2023 NM Prayer Connect, PATH-NM, COG-NM & El Paso, TX!    For Behold, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You [In Your Hearts] And Among You [Surrounding You] (AMP). – Luke 17:21b Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,        Paul the Apostle tells us that the Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace & JOY In The Holy Spirit! Matthew 4:17 calls us to Repentance, which is a Gift of God and Proclaims that “The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand.” Jesus also in Mark 1:15 stated The Same, as well as in Matthew 3:2 & 4:17 and even in the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3 says, even the humble, those poor in spirit, who rate themselves insignificant are Blessed, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. In Matthew 10, Jesus summoned to Himself, His Disciples, to GO & PREACH, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand!”        Are you a ‘Disciple,’ follower of Christ? If HE is no respecter of persons, then The Same requirements HE put on HIS Disciples then are expected of us today, because HE Is The Same, Yesterday, Today & Forever/Eternally. HE Himself said to HIS Disciples in the upper room, on Resurrection Sunday evening, “Just As The Father Sent Me, So I AM Sending You, GO & DO Likewise!” Imagine having ALL Power & Authority, as a King or High Priest, now Believe that this is true of you, because God says it is and He can not lie, so what are you going to do with ALL of this? Obedience always brings God’s Blessings, so let’s trust and obey, cause there’s no other way to be happy In JESUS! Under His Anointing, that breaks down every yoke of sin and bondage, GO & DO Likewise, according to His Word, Will & Way.         There’s nothing hidden or buried here, no mystery that has not been revealed, so see the kingdom, because your eyes have been opened, seek the kingdom, because The Hope that is set before you will not disappoint, He Is The Hope Of Israel, The Hope Of The Nations & The Hope Of The World, so follow The King, because He is with you and for you, He promises to go before you, He has your rear guard, He is beside you, on your right and left + you are guaranteed to see His Goodness, Tender Mercies & Loving Kindness, following you ALL The Days Of Your LIFE, HE’s moving upon, in and through you by HIS Holy Spirit, The Comforter, Who will lead and guide you into ALL Truth & Understanding, so you can accomplish The Works HE has prepared for you to do, before the foundations of this earth were created and as each and every believer does their part, we will come into The FULLNESS Of GOD!         November 5-19, 2023 Pray for the Hindu World @ https://lnkd.in/gd8vPTvm WATCH the ‘Hidden Mountain’ Documentary @ https://lnkd.in/gHcyg3zp be sure to SUBSCRIBE @ZionGlory @YouTube and prayerfully consider showing it at a Movie Night in your church or home fellowship – JOIN us LIVE Mondays 6-8pm MT & 9-11am MT on Wednesdays (streaming 24/7/365 Internationally @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv)

NM Prayer Connect/PATH/COG-NM/

Monthly Information for New Mexico Prayer Connect, Prayer At The Heart Of New Mexico & Church Of God, NM/El Paso, TX!

7,121 subscribers

The Days Of LOT??? July 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter!

The Days of LOT???


Mark Tross

Luke 17:28-37

Amplified Bible

28 It was the same as it was in the days of Lot. People were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building [carrying on business as usual, without regard for their sins]; 29 but on the [very] day that Lot left Sodom it rained fire and brimstone (burning sulfur) from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 It will be just the same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed. 31 On that day, whoever is on the housetop, with his belongings in the house, must not come down [and go inside] to take them out; and likewise whoever is in the field must not turn back. 32 Remember [what happened to] Lot’s wife [when she looked back]! 33 Whoever seeks to save his [e]life will [eventually] lose it [through death], and whoever loses his life [in this world] will keep it [from the consequences of sin and separation from God]. 34 I tell you, on that night [when Messiah comes again] there will be two [sleeping] in one bed; the [f]one (the non-believer) will be taken [away in judgment] and the [g]other (the believer) will be left. 35 There will be two women grinding [at the mill] together; the [h]one (the non-believer) will be taken [away in judgment] and the other (the believer) will be left. 36 [i][Two men will be in the field; [j]one will be taken and the other will be left.”] 37 And they asked Him, “Where, Lord?” He answered, “Where the corpse is, there the vultures will be gathered.”


The Amplified Bible

2 Peter 2:7

and if He rescued righteous Lot, who was tormented by the immoral conduct of unprincipled and ungodly men and if He rescued righteous Lot, who was tormented by the immoral conduct of unprincipled and ungodly men

Sisters & Brothers In Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation,

July will be a Jam-PACKED Month, with Prayer At The Heart gatherings happening every weekend + Join us for the filming of the documentary at 10 Commandments Rock/The Decalogue Stone on Mystery/Hidden Mountain, west of Los Lunas, Friday & Saturday, July 28-29.        We need your daily prayers and cooperation in getting the word out about all of these events, so invite others and spread the word, but above all, ATTEND! For more information, to register and/or contribute financially VISIT: @christianbody.tv & @christianbody.net

The above portions of Holy Script are of extreme importance for us to prayerfully consider and meditate on, for spiritual discernment and application in this present world of darkness that we’re living in, but not of, for God has called us out of darkness and into His Marvelous Light, making us new creations In Him, the salt and light of the earth! He’s not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance, so we must seek His Face for His strategic gameplan to accomplish the works He has called each and every one of us to do in these last hours.

Juliet and I were privileged to be part of the PATH event in Cleveland, Ohio last month and are presently preparing for the Valencia County Rooftop Encounter on Friday, June 30th, PATH on July 1st, Cibola County PATH at Fire & Ice Park on Saturday, July 8th, Lincoln County PATH on the 15th, San Miguel County PATH on the 22nd + the 28th-29th with folks from AZ & TX coming in to film a documentary on 10 Commandments Rock.              I won’t overwhelm you with the details of August 25th-27th at Balloon Fiesta Park for Bernalillo County PATH, September 16th on the courthouse lawn in Roswell, NM for Chavez County PATH, but we will be at the Pray California event in CA come October + be in prayer for John & Lori Robb, as they’ll be travelling to CO & Washington State for strategic prayer initiatives this month.

God is clearly on the move in our state, across America and around the world, so don’t miss Him, because the time is short! We’re working diligently to gather together, as one In Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE, for worship, prayer & fellowship at Prayer At The Heart events in 2023 at the center of all 33 counties and 23 Tribal Nations here in New Mexico and hopefully holding gatherings for PATH in every city, come 2024, so if you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in or around NM, don’t hesitate to contact me. We already have requests to go to Deming and El Paso, TX, but desperately need your prayer support, contributions and cooperation, servant leaders, workers for the fields, because they are ripe for an abundant harvest!


Mark Tross

NM Prayer Connect Coordinator


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Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.



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Mark Tross

Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine







VIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE http://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com




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Cross Culture NM




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Simple Church Fellowship

The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!




Ekklesia Outreach

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Mark Tross

I’m a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,…






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Mark Tross


I’m a broadcaster @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv Author @amazon & @kindle Podcasts @spotify & @spreaker Prayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect, Prayer At The Heart Of New Mexico, COG, NM & El Paso, TX, I’m an Ordained Bishop, happily married in Rio Rancho.