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Chick-Fil-A Leadercast at Copper Pointe Church! (New location and lower prices!)

Chick-Fil-A Leadercast at Copper Pointe Church! (New location and lower prices!)


God is so good!  Love INC is NOW able to special prices for church leaders, non-profits, group of 5 or more and military!This conference is going to be amazing, and Love INC wants as many clergy, church leaders, and non-profits to be able to attend.


May 10, 2013 from 8 am – 4:30 pm

Copper Point Church

10500 Copper NE (Near Eubank & I-40)


General Admission $69 each

Non-profits, Military, groups of 5+ $59 each

Church Leaders $49 each


Please visit http://www.chick-fil-aleadercast.com/location/1955 to register.  If you would like to attend, but are unable because of the cost, please contact Sara at info@LoveINCabq.org.


Each attendee will receive:

  • workbook
  • breakfast & lunch
  • networking opportunities


If you would like to be a sponsor and have a table set up at this conference, please contact info@LoveINCabq.org.  The cost will be $100. This conference has also been approved for 5.25 CEU’s for nurses.  Please forward this to your contact list.

Sara Money, Executive Director

Love INC of Albuquerque

505.255.LOVE (5683)


“Helping Churches Help People”

Chick-fil-A® Leadercast® is a one-day leadership event broadcast LIVE from 
Atlanta, GA to hundreds of locations around the world.

Do you want to have a breakthrough in growing as a leader?  Pause, take a step back, and make plans to take several steps forward at Chick-fil-A Leadercast 2013.
May 10, 2013

New Email Address for NM Prayer Connect

To contact NM Prayer Connect, please use the new email address: contact@nmprayerconnect.org.


April 2013 Prayer Guide

Arts & Entertainment:
The History Channel broadcast a four part series called “The Bible.”  The response was enormous and unexpected.  An estimate of 70 million persons watched the series. 
Praise God for the success and the propagation of His Word. 

The economy remains depressed with a few glimmers of growth.  The stock market continues to rise and apartment buildings are being built, but fewer and fewer people are even looking for work.
Please pray for an improved economic recovery.

Home schooling is popular because parents do not want public schools to teach their children behavior that is immoral. There is a strong Christian homeschool community in New Mexico, and many of them are involved with the the NM Christian Association of Parent Educators (CAPE) organization which is having its annual homeschool convention this week (April 18-20) at Legacy Church in Albuquerque.
Please pray that virtue and morality will again be taught in public schools and that immoral behavior will no longer be promoted.  Praise God for the options that parents have to offer their children a Christ-centered education at home.

Judge Edward Korman, a federal judge from New York, removed the age restriction for the “morning after” pill.  No prescription is needed.  A child who thinks she might be pregnant is allowed to go to a drug store and purchase chemicals that will abort a baby.
Pray against the proliferation of abortifacients.

The battle for traditional marriage is being waged at the Supreme Court and in Santa Fe, where the City Council is considering a Resolution that encourages County Clerks through New Mexico to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couple.  We’re thankful that none of the bills that would have redefined marriage made it through the NM Legislature this year.
Please pray that all governments will recognize only traditional, one man-one woman marriage, thus protecting freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Please pray that the media will learn to love the truth.  Media events today tend to be slanted toward political agendas rather than the standard of seeking and reporting the truth.
Pray for truth in media.

Thank God for a wonderful Easter season to celebrate the resurrection of our Jesus Christ!  The National Day of Prayer is coming up on Thursday, May 2, 2013.  To see a list of events in your area or to post one for your church, visit http://nationaldayofprayer.org/.  This year’s theme, “Pray for America”, is based on Matthew 12:21 which reminds us that “In His name the nations will put their hope.”  National Day of Prayer Task Force Chairman Shirley Dobson, wife of Dr. James Dobson, has said that, “The American people continue to be plagued with challenges that defy simple answers, and our hope lies in humbly seeking the Almighty’s guidance, protection, and blessing – not only on the National Day of Prayer, but throughout the year.”
Please pray for a wonderful National Day of Prayer and that many people in our sate and nation would turn their eyes to God.

Santa Fe City Council Vote on April 24th Regarding Same-Sex Marriage

Dear Praying Friends ,Next Wednesday, April 24, the Santa Fe City Council will meet to vote on a Resolution declaring same-sex “marriage” legal in Santa Fe and New Mexico. The vote is largely symbolic in that the Resolution is non-binding and has no force of law.The homosexual community, which numbers no more than 3% in Santa Fe and in the state, has given the City Council the task of declaring Santa Fe something that it is not, a homosexual haven from which can be launched such claims as the Resolution makes.


The Resolution is expected to be voted on next Wednesday, April 24, at the 5:00 p.m. City Council meeting. Members of the Christian community are urged to join others for prayer at 4:30 p.m. at the Marcy Street entrance to Santa Fe’s City Hall, and to attend the City Council meeting at 5:00 p.m.


Please understand that the Christian community does not stand in opposition to the homosexuals themselves. Rather, we stand in concern for the salvation of souls, for freedom of speech and for religious liberty.


The success of the homosexual agenda has resulted in a loss of religious freedom throughout this country and the world. (Please see links below.)


Santa Fe City Hall is located on Marcy Street at Lincoln Avenue, next to the Convention Center.


Thank you for your prayers and God bless you.


We hope to see you next Wednesday, April 24.


Yours in Christ,


Jose Vasquez


Christian Links Addressing Same-Sex Marriage:


Mr. Charles LiMandi on Catholic Answers


Should Marriage be Changed to Promote Same-Sex Couples?

Children in Prayer event with Bishop Peter Sekhonyane

Children in Prayer welcomes Bishop Peter Sekhonyane from South Africa to share about mobilizing children and youth in prayer.  Bishop Peter and his team have established thousands of prayer watches in crime-ridden, violent towns and seen amazing transformations happen. He is also working among thousands of children to help them raise them up as agents of transformation. He has a strong mandate from God to raise up Children’s Houses of Prayer in South Africa.

Please join us as welcome Bishop Sekhonyane to share his passion for prayer and stir us to become a land where the people pray and believe for Christ’s transformation.

When: April 19th,2013

Where: Courtyard Marriot

5151 Journal Central Boulevard

Time: 6:30-9:00

Contact: Tanya Griego 505-301-0262 or at  cipnewmexico@gmail.com


Ministry Leader Appreciation Luncheon – April 19th

NM Prayer Connect Logo


On Friday, April 19th, we will have the immense privilege of having special guest speaker Bishop Peter Sekhonyane for a Ministry Leaders’ Appreciation Luncheon.

If you are the leader of a church, para-church organization, or other ministry, you are invited free of charge to this special luncheon time.

Ministry Leader Appreciation Luncheon

Friday April 19, 2013

11:30-1:00 p.m.

Yearout Mechanical, 8502 Washington St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113

How Prayer is Transforming Communities
“Peter was an evangelist that the Lord turned into a prayer mobilizer in his native South Africa. He and his team have seen huge impacts in social transformation, spiritual revival and evangelism as they have prioritized their evangelism tents into prayer tents in the most crime-ridden, violent townships where there was no police protection and where the police were afraid to go.
As they gathered men, women and children to pray for their towns, they began to see the most amazing transformations, and the crime rates began to fall dramatically to the amazement of the same police. Many thousands got jobs or started businesses for the first time; marriages were saved; corrupt government officials were charged; bars became houses of prayer; hundreds of satanists were converted; and all together 1.2 million have so far made commitments to Christ.”
Limited to 50 Guests.
RSVP to Cheryl Sharps (505-400-7437) or email at cheryl.sharps@gmail.com
RSVP deadline is April 15th.

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