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Ministry Leader Appreciation Luncheon – April 19th

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On Friday, April 19th, we will have the immense privilege of having special guest speaker Bishop Peter Sekhonyane for a Ministry Leaders’ Appreciation Luncheon.

If you are the leader of a church, para-church organization, or other ministry, you are invited free of charge to this special luncheon time.

Ministry Leader Appreciation Luncheon

Friday April 19, 2013

11:30-1:00 p.m.

Yearout Mechanical, 8502 Washington St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113

How Prayer is Transforming Communities
“Peter was an evangelist that the Lord turned into a prayer mobilizer in his native South Africa. He and his team have seen huge impacts in social transformation, spiritual revival and evangelism as they have prioritized their evangelism tents into prayer tents in the most crime-ridden, violent townships where there was no police protection and where the police were afraid to go.
As they gathered men, women and children to pray for their towns, they began to see the most amazing transformations, and the crime rates began to fall dramatically to the amazement of the same police. Many thousands got jobs or started businesses for the first time; marriages were saved; corrupt government officials were charged; bars became houses of prayer; hundreds of satanists were converted; and all together 1.2 million have so far made commitments to Christ.”
Limited to 50 Guests.
RSVP to Cheryl Sharps (505-400-7437) or email at cheryl.sharps@gmail.com
RSVP deadline is April 15th.

Sponsored by ARK Organization

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