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Churches @100%!

Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,
After over a year of shut downs and mandated restrictions, finally the Churches of New Mexico have been given the ‘green light’ to open at 100 percent (for now).   James wrote for us not to think it strange, these fiery trials and Jesus warned us of tribulations in this world, but we are not of this world, the gates of hell will not prevail against us, we are not limited by God, in any way, shape or form, for we are commissioned by Him to do even greater things, All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Us.  Jesus commands us to, “GO!” Concerning the 100%, are not All Believers told to Love God with All of their heart, mind, soul, spirit & strength (knowing that in our weakness, He Will Show Himself MIGHTY In Our Midst), our neighbor as ourself, even our enemies and let us not forget The New Commandment to “Love One Another, As I Have Loved You.” Whatever we do is to be done, as unto The Lord, but the statistics show that only 20% of the church is involved, while 80% just come and go or wander around aimlessly, never rooted and grounded, yet confessing to abide in Him (John 15).

As Praying followers of Messiah, did He not tell us to Hallow His Name and ASK for His Kingdom to Come & His Will To Be Done On Earth, as It Is In Heaven? To ‘HALLOW’ is “to make Holy, Consecrated, Sacred or Revered, to Sanctify and Venerate.” There is No Other NAME Under Heaven (or in the Heavenlies), by which we MUST Be SAVED or Come To Salvation/Yeshua/Jesus.  The above 80% tells me that they need a ‘Come To Jesus Moment!’ We are exhorted in James to Be Doers of The Word and NOT Hearers Only! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by The Word Of God, spoken, written, The Word Become Flesh (Who Is The Author & Finisher, Completer Of Our Faith) and His Holy Spirit.  His Kingdom is to be Proclaimed in ALL The World, but do the 80% really (Experientially) Know what The Kingdom Of God/In God’s Heavenlies Is? According to Paul, It’s Righteousness, Peace & Joy In The Holy Spirit/Ghost (KJV).  He, Jesus Is Our Righteousness, our right standing relationship with our Heavenly Father.  He/Jesus Is Our Shalom, Peace, Wholeness, Fullness & Blessing, The Peace Of God that FAR Surpasses our own limited, human understanding and He/Jesus Is Our Joy & He longs to make our Joy Complete In Him, but we Only Come Into His FULLNESS, when EVERY Member does their part in The Body Of Christ/Messiah/The Anointed ONE, as read in The Book Of Ephesians.

NOW, more than ever, we need to ASK and come to know The Answer to, What Is The Will Of God?  Jesus Is God (John 1) and He says, “I Will Build My Church!” What’s The Church? Literally The Word used in Scripture is Ecclesia or Ekklesia, meaning The Called Out Ones, referencing The Body & Bride Of Christ, but Philip also calls It in Acts, ‘The Tent In The Desert,’ so we’re seeing an Old Covenant reality here, not just a type and shadow.  Let us not forget that The Bible tells us Jesus was Crucified BEFORE The Foundations Of This World were laid! How Is he Building The Church? By using you and me, His Living Stones, with every gift, talent and ability He has given us.  Peter tells us that He Has Given Us EVERYTHING We Need To Live Our Life Unto Him! Paul says, “My God Shall Supply ALL Of Your Needs, According To His Riches In Glory” and King David declares, “The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.” Jesus Is The Good Shepherd and we are His Flock, The Sheep Of His Pasture, who ‘supposedly’ Hear His Voice! If you and I WANT God’s Will To Be Done, Upon, In & Through us, as His Chosen People, we Must, PRAY, Hear from Heaven and Respond to Him, Who Sits On The Throne.  Moses was told, By GOD, “Stop Praying And Get The People Moving!”

THIS Is My Call To ACTION for ALL The Members within The Body Of Christ in New Mexico, Across America & Around The World:  We’re working hard to bring Unity, God’s ONEness to NM, so Join us Saturday, May 1st @ http://www.christianbody.net as we interview Promise Keepers President, Judge Vance Day 1:30-2:30pm MDT, Invite Others & Spread The Word about our 24/7/365 Streaming + LIVE Mondays 7-8pm, Wednesdays & Fridays 9am-12noon MDT (Dennis Prochnow is Host of ‘The 11th Hour,’ Fridays 11am-12noon, Reading The Prophetic Word for NM and Praying over our State); World Prayer Together http://www.worldprayertogether.com & a Washington, D.C.  Prayer Leaders Consultation; the 1st-6th Prayer & Fasting for The USA http://www.dayofrepentance1.org  SHARE the YouTube Video @ http://youtu.be/0NEO17J-ysw 1st-23rd completes the 40 Day Jesus/Yeshua Fast  https://thejesusfast.global/ Monday the 3rd is the Last Quarter Moon; Wednesday the 5th is Cinco de Mayo; Thursday the 6th is NDP https://www.nationaldayofprayer.org/ Saturday the 8th is V-E Day & My 64th Birthday; Sunday the 9th is Mother’s Day and the start of Women’s Health Week; Tuesday the 11th is the New Moon; the 13th-23rd is 10 Days https://www.10days.net/ Saturday the 15th is Armed Forces Day; Wednesday the 19th is the First Quarter Moon; Sunday the 23rd is Pentecost, so ASK God’s Holy Spirit FIRE to Fall on ALL Believers EVERYWHERE to be a Witness to the world and may our LIGHT Shine in the darkness, bringing ALL we can into His Kingdom in these Last Days; Wednesday the 26th is the Full Moon; Thursday the 27th is the NM Prayer Mapping Meeting & Monday, May 31st is Memorial Day, the Official Start of Summer Vacation, so Pray, PRay, PRAY + if you or someone you know would like to hold a Prayer Event in your area of New Mexico or in the surrounding regions of our state, Please, Don’t Hesitate to Contact me!

READ:  2 Cor.  4:16; 8:9; Isa.  40:31; Heb.  12:1-2; Hos.  6:6; Ps.  23:4; 27:1; 37:5; 61:1-2; 111:10; Phil.  4:19; 1 Cor.  10:31; Dan.  2:21-22; Eph.  2:4-6; 5:15-16; John 12:46; 14:27; Rom.  8:15; 12:21; Jas.  4:7; 1 Thess. 4:16; Matt. 6:34; 1 John 2:17; 3:20; Prov.  17:27; Col.  4:6; Jer.  29:13; 1 Tim.  2:5; Luke 1:37; Mark 10:45 & Rev.  22:12-13

Thanks & Blessings,
Mark Tross
Coordinator NM Prayer Connect