Prayer at the
Valentine’s Day
February 22, 2014
The Governor welcomed Children in Prayer on Valentines Day, February 14, 2014. Love New Mexico an event that day in the Rotunda featured presentations by Legislators Senator Bill Sharer, Representative Nora Espinosa, Senator Craig Brandt, Representative Yvette Herrell, Representative Alonzo Baldonado and County Commissioner Orlando Lucero. Please continue to keep our children, our legislators and our Governor in prayer.
Day of Prayer
Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2014
Meeting in the State Capitol Rotunda
(Old Santa Fe Trail & Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe)
Invited Speakers*
Governor Susana Martinez – Senator Bill Sharer – Representative Nora Espinosa
Prayer for issues that affect our young
Prayer for our Government and its leaders
Prayer that New Mexico will be governed by God
Declare New Mexico is a Land of Promise
8:30 a.m. Prayer in the Rotunda, 9:30 a.m. Visits with Legislators, 11:00 am. Closing Prayer
Sponsored by Children in Prayer New Mexico &
New Mexico Prayer Connect
Contact Tanya Griego 505-301-0262 or J.D.Vasquez (505) 438-0437
*Note: Speakers are not yet confirmed.
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