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National Day of Prayer Task Force Tour Bus to stop in Albuquerque for Prayer Rally

The National Day of Prayer Task Force headquartered in Colorado Springs is on a bus tour this summer holding prayer rallies in 37 states.  They are meeting with pastors and intercessors in each state to pray for the state and the nation.  They will be in Albuquerque for a Prayer Rally on Thursday, August 29 at New Beginnings Church.

America has probably never been in more need of prayer than today.  We need to come together and pray fervently for our nation.  Please spread the word about this prayer rally to your friends and join us for prayer at one or both of the following events.

When:    Thursday, August 29
11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Where:   New Beginnings Church
3601 Montgomery Blvd. NE  87109
(Corner of Montgomery and Carlisle, a few blocks east of I-25)

Host:       Pastor Richard Mansfield

Lunch?    No food will be served.  We encourage you to eat before or after the prayer meeting,
or if you feel led by the Holy Spirit, to fast during the noon hour as we join in prayer.

We will begin indoors with a brief time of worship.  Then one of the members of the National Day of Prayer Task Force will speak to us briefly about the power of prayer and the things we need to be praying for.  Following that we will launch into a time of fervent prayer for our nation.  We hope to move outside to pray later during the event, so consider wearing some sunscreen, as the sun can get rather intense in New Mexico in August.


For those who cannot be at the Prayer Rally on Thursday or who just want another opportunity to pray with the NDP Task Force, they will be at the Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening, August 28.

When:    Wednesday, August 28
7:00 – 8:20 pm

Where:   Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church sanctuary
8600 Academy Rd. NE  87111
(Corner of Academy and Moon)

Hosts:     Lori Robb, Church Prayer Coordinator, and Pastor Aaron McMillan

To find out more about the NDPTF bus tour, see http://nationaldayofprayer.org/on-the-road-to-pray-for-america/

Mission Statement

We want to call brothers and sisters in Christ from all denominations and traditions to pray for our state so we can see together the hand of the Lord bringing His transformation to every institution and sector of our society.

We seek to accomplish this by sending out a regular prayer guide for the state and by coordinating regular prayer gatherings around the state.

Prayer Guide for August 2013

Prayer for Rain- Thanks be to God for hearing our prayers for rain! There have been a number of good rain storms across New Mexico since our last month’s call to pray for this. Let’s continue to look to the Lord for an end to the drought and the refilling of our lakes and aquifers.

State Prayer Summit- Our next state prayer summit is scheduled for Friday, September 6, from 8:30 am to 12 noon. We will begin in the Rotunda at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe and then probably move to another nearby venue for refreshments and then another session of prayer regarding New Mexico issues. We are asking Governor Susana Martinez and other officials to share their concerns for prayer for New Mexico during the first session. Ministry leaders of all denominations along with youth and children are being invited to take part. If you have a heart to pray for His transformation of our state, please join us for this important time together in the Lord’s presence. For more information, contact the NM Prayer Connect office at office@ipcprayer.org.

Prayer For Our Arts and Entertainment:
The TV program “Glee” is rated as one of the most pro-homosexual shows on television. Those opposed to the lifestyle are portrayed as crude, cartoonish “homophobic” bullies. In contrast to the mandated positive portrayal, the real-life lesbian actress on the show, Jane Lynch, “divorced” her partner of three years, Lara Embry; and the show’s thirty-one year old lead actor Cory Monteith was found dead of an alcohol and heroin overdose.
Pray that our Arts and Entertainment industry would be populated by those guided by the Lord’s commands.
“He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”  John 14:21

Prayer For Our Businesses:
Faced with the burden of Obamacare, many companies have reduced employee work weeks to less than 30 hours to avoid paying for health care. That means that employees are either doing with less or are working two jobs to maintain the same level of income. Please pray for this regulation to be dropped so families can return to a manageable job market.

Prayer For Our Educational System:
Under the administration of Governor Susana Martinez, New Mexico has gone to a letter grade system in assessing school achievement. A quick assessment of school performance can be had by this method. Please pray that the system remains and that schools continue to improve.
(SEE  http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/education/article_599f6e5e-5276-55a5-a4fa-9766493668a4.html)

Prayer For Our Families:

New Mexico is seeing an alarming rise in children living in single parent households. In 2007 there were 177,000 single-parent households across that state.  That number jumped to 208,000 in 2011, and continues to climb. The breakdown of the family means an increased number of children living in poverty, a greater reliance on government subsidies and greater social ills. Please pray for marriage to be honored and restored as the norm in our state.
SEE http://datacenter.kidscount.org/data/tables/106-children-in-single-parent-families?loc=1&loct=2#detailed/2/10-19,2,20-29,3,30-39,4,40-49,5,50-52,6-9/false/867,133,38,35,18/any/429,430)

Prayer For Our Government:
The Supreme Court struck down a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act. The Court also allowed the decision of one homosexual judge to stand, silencing the voices of seven million Californians who voted for Proposition 8 and traditional marriage.

Locally, Santa Fe’s County Clerk, Geraldine Salazar, is being sued for obeying state law. Ms. Salazar refused to issue a marriage license to two men wishing to “marry.”

Without notice to the Christian community, the Santa Fe County Commissioners passed a resolution to support homosexual “marriage.” Because the agenda item was not broadly publicized, opposition to the resolution was not heard.

Please pray for marriage as God designed and intended.

Prayer For Our Media:
A Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that the number of sex scenes on television nearly doubled from 1998 to 2005. An American Academy of Pediatrics report states that “more than 75 percent of prime-time programs contain sexual content” – 8 to 10 times per hour. (SEE http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/126/3/576.full)

Our homes are connected to the outside world by television and radio. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is the government agency overseeing a decaying standard of decency over the airwaves. The FCC would like to slacken the already lax standards for broadcast programs that we view and hear.

Please pray that the FCC will not slacken their standards regarding what is allowed over the nation’s airwaves.

Prayer For Our Religion:
The question of homosexuality in the priesthood surfaced again.  Pope Benedict, the current Pope Francis’ predecessor, urged those with homosexual leanings to stay out of the priesthood. The current Pope Francis has suggested that being homosexual does not make one unfit for the priesthood but homosexual activity does. It is a subtle but significant change from his predecessor’s stance. Please pray that all those called to ministry would be of the Lord and not of the flesh.

July Prayer Guide

Arts & Entertainment:
The sports world was excited with the announcement by professional basketball’s Jason Collins of the Washington Wizards that he was a homosexual. Jason received a phone call from the President of the United to compliment him on his “courage.”  Meanwhile ESPN reporter Chris Broussard explained clearly and concisely the Christian concept of sin and repentance. Predictably and unfortunately, it was Mr. Broussard came under attack, calling him an “embattled” sportscaster. Of course nothing was made of Jason’s fiancé of eight years, Carolyn Moos, who was most gracious in the face of deception, saying only that her “dreams must change.” Pray for men and women in the media that declare and profess Christian principles.
Click Here

Many believe the year-long postponement of Obamacare’s business mandate, requiring businesses to make available birth control pills and abortifacients on demand was politically motivated. The lawsuits challenging the law remain pending. Pray that Christian businesses and organizations are spared violating their conscience as the result of Obamacare.

Seven million Californians voted to define marriage as being only between one man and one woman. One homosexual judge overturned the vote of the people. The homosexual community sued and brought the issue before the Supreme Court. The Court declared that only the Governor of the State or the Attorney General could bring the case before the court. The result was that the homosexual judge’s opinion stands, denying the voting citizens of California. Because homosexuality is now a legitimate “lifestyle,” it is being taught in public schools. Pray that our public schools will return to the principle for which they were founded, reading the Bible.

“N.M. Hits Bottom in Child Well-Being” was the headline in the Albuquerque Journal on June 24. New Mexico ranks 50th in the “National Kids Count” survey. Children raised in single parent-homes, poverty with dismal graduation rates begin life with major disadvantages. Pray for strong marriages and families in New Mexico.

Recent revelations show that the National Security Administration has had access to personal phone records.  It has long been known that social media sites were being stored. A constitutional right to privacy has been eroded by virtue of our government’s use of technological advances. The  consequences of government surveillance could be devastating. Pray for a just and moral government and an end to citizen surveillance.

Recently the Santa Fe Reporter, a liberal weekly tabloid, published a cartoon cover of Our Lady of Guadaupe in a bikini and sipping on margarita. The Catholic community, especially, was duly alarmed and disgusted. After a public outcry, the Reporter apologized and explained that they had used the cover in an attempt to display cultural diversity in Santa Fe. Pray for righteousness and respect in all of Media.

Exodus, a Christian program for men and women recovering from homosexuality, closed the doors on its 250 agencies and apologized to the homosexual community for causing them harm. The apology was accepted with much triumph by the “Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,” an organization that promotes the homosexual lifestyle through such means as anonymous sexual encounters in public parks.  Pray that another Christian organization will follow to carry on the work.

NM Prayer Connect June 2013 Prayer Guide

Arts & Entertainment:

Rarely does a pro-life message appear in today’s pop culture, however, a song by country artist Kenny Chesney does just that.  The song, “There Goes My Life,” was released in 2003.  To view  CLICK HERE.   Pray that the message of how precious life is continues to be propagate.

Obamacare requires businesses to make available birth control pills and abortifacients on demand. Hobby Lobby has sued the Federal Government in hopes of having their deeply held moral beliefs respected by this administration.  Pray that Hobby Lobby and other Christian organizations are successful in avoiding this assault on their beliefs.

In contrast with the recent Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow homosexual scouts into their ranks, we are in the season for Vacation Bible Schools.  Pray that the Word of the Lord will be disseminated though the Vacation Bible School experience to many, many children.

Recently the states of Minnesota and Delaware have redefined “marriage” to include same-sex couples.  The United States Supreme Count will decide on the constitutionality of two cases.  The Defense of Marriage Act defines marriage as being between one man and one woman at the federal level.  California voted for Proposition 8, which declared marriage as being between one man and one woman in that state, but was overturned by a homosexual judge.  Pray that the Supreme Court will judge in favor of the traditional family in both cases. 

Since 2010 the Federal Government, through the Internal Revenue Service, has stonewalled those whose ideology and religious beliefs differ from the current administration.  Pray for a just and moral government.

The lack of media coverage of Dr. Kermit Gosnel’s horrific medical practice regarding late term abortions points once again to a media bias.  The Philadelphia medical practice resulted in a murder conviction and a life imprisonment for Dr. Gosnel.  Pray for an honest and fair media.

With the assault on Christian values, the time has come to stand firm for Christian beliefs.  “Pulpit Freedom Sunday, June 9” is the Sunday when pastors are urged to preach on biblical marriage. Please pray for Pulpit Freedom Sunday, June 9 and urge your pastor to preach on Christian marriage and its meaning.  For more information CLICK HERE.


New Email Address for NM Prayer Connect

To contact NM Prayer Connect, please use the new email address: contact@nmprayerconnect.org.


April 2013 Prayer Guide

Arts & Entertainment:
The History Channel broadcast a four part series called “The Bible.”  The response was enormous and unexpected.  An estimate of 70 million persons watched the series. 
Praise God for the success and the propagation of His Word. 

The economy remains depressed with a few glimmers of growth.  The stock market continues to rise and apartment buildings are being built, but fewer and fewer people are even looking for work.
Please pray for an improved economic recovery.

Home schooling is popular because parents do not want public schools to teach their children behavior that is immoral. There is a strong Christian homeschool community in New Mexico, and many of them are involved with the the NM Christian Association of Parent Educators (CAPE) organization which is having its annual homeschool convention this week (April 18-20) at Legacy Church in Albuquerque.
Please pray that virtue and morality will again be taught in public schools and that immoral behavior will no longer be promoted.  Praise God for the options that parents have to offer their children a Christ-centered education at home.

Judge Edward Korman, a federal judge from New York, removed the age restriction for the “morning after” pill.  No prescription is needed.  A child who thinks she might be pregnant is allowed to go to a drug store and purchase chemicals that will abort a baby.
Pray against the proliferation of abortifacients.

The battle for traditional marriage is being waged at the Supreme Court and in Santa Fe, where the City Council is considering a Resolution that encourages County Clerks through New Mexico to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couple.  We’re thankful that none of the bills that would have redefined marriage made it through the NM Legislature this year.
Please pray that all governments will recognize only traditional, one man-one woman marriage, thus protecting freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Please pray that the media will learn to love the truth.  Media events today tend to be slanted toward political agendas rather than the standard of seeking and reporting the truth.
Pray for truth in media.

Thank God for a wonderful Easter season to celebrate the resurrection of our Jesus Christ!  The National Day of Prayer is coming up on Thursday, May 2, 2013.  To see a list of events in your area or to post one for your church, visit http://nationaldayofprayer.org/.  This year’s theme, “Pray for America”, is based on Matthew 12:21 which reminds us that “In His name the nations will put their hope.”  National Day of Prayer Task Force Chairman Shirley Dobson, wife of Dr. James Dobson, has said that, “The American people continue to be plagued with challenges that defy simple answers, and our hope lies in humbly seeking the Almighty’s guidance, protection, and blessing – not only on the National Day of Prayer, but throughout the year.”
Please pray for a wonderful National Day of Prayer and that many people in our sate and nation would turn their eyes to God.