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July Prayer Guide

Arts & Entertainment:
The sports world was excited with the announcement by professional basketball’s Jason Collins of the Washington Wizards that he was a homosexual. Jason received a phone call from the President of the United to compliment him on his “courage.”  Meanwhile ESPN reporter Chris Broussard explained clearly and concisely the Christian concept of sin and repentance. Predictably and unfortunately, it was Mr. Broussard came under attack, calling him an “embattled” sportscaster. Of course nothing was made of Jason’s fiancé of eight years, Carolyn Moos, who was most gracious in the face of deception, saying only that her “dreams must change.” Pray for men and women in the media that declare and profess Christian principles.
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Many believe the year-long postponement of Obamacare’s business mandate, requiring businesses to make available birth control pills and abortifacients on demand was politically motivated. The lawsuits challenging the law remain pending. Pray that Christian businesses and organizations are spared violating their conscience as the result of Obamacare.

Seven million Californians voted to define marriage as being only between one man and one woman. One homosexual judge overturned the vote of the people. The homosexual community sued and brought the issue before the Supreme Court. The Court declared that only the Governor of the State or the Attorney General could bring the case before the court. The result was that the homosexual judge’s opinion stands, denying the voting citizens of California. Because homosexuality is now a legitimate “lifestyle,” it is being taught in public schools. Pray that our public schools will return to the principle for which they were founded, reading the Bible.

“N.M. Hits Bottom in Child Well-Being” was the headline in the Albuquerque Journal on June 24. New Mexico ranks 50th in the “National Kids Count” survey. Children raised in single parent-homes, poverty with dismal graduation rates begin life with major disadvantages. Pray for strong marriages and families in New Mexico.

Recent revelations show that the National Security Administration has had access to personal phone records.  It has long been known that social media sites were being stored. A constitutional right to privacy has been eroded by virtue of our government’s use of technological advances. The  consequences of government surveillance could be devastating. Pray for a just and moral government and an end to citizen surveillance.

Recently the Santa Fe Reporter, a liberal weekly tabloid, published a cartoon cover of Our Lady of Guadaupe in a bikini and sipping on margarita. The Catholic community, especially, was duly alarmed and disgusted. After a public outcry, the Reporter apologized and explained that they had used the cover in an attempt to display cultural diversity in Santa Fe. Pray for righteousness and respect in all of Media.

Exodus, a Christian program for men and women recovering from homosexuality, closed the doors on its 250 agencies and apologized to the homosexual community for causing them harm. The apology was accepted with much triumph by the “Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,” an organization that promotes the homosexual lifestyle through such means as anonymous sexual encounters in public parks.  Pray that another Christian organization will follow to carry on the work.

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