March 29, 2022 Sisters & Brothers In Jesus, ENJOY this YouTube video,, then make plans to join us for the first ‘Prayer At The Heart’ event for 2022 in Brady, TX on April 9th from 10am-4pm + Mark Your Calendar for the NM event, taking place on Saturday, July 23rd, beginning at 10am on the 7Up/7Down Ranch! We need volunteers, county and city coordinators for our NM State Event, so if you or someone you know are interested, be sure to get in touch with me. Gerard Long of Awakening To God Ministries, author of the Living Hope book and coordinator for Prayer At The Heart will be on live with us & Wednesday, April 6th from 10-10:30am on AppleTV, ROKU, StreamingChurch.TV and on other social media sites worldwide, so be sure to listen and watch + invite others to join us. We stream 24/7/365 and are live every Monday 6-8pm + Wednesday 9am-12noon! WATCH for the Fathom Event of Jonathan Cahn’s MOVIE/Documentary based on The Harbinger books coming to Theaters – May 12th & Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will be live with us on Wednesday, June 8! America’s Prayer Meeting MovementOur vision is to see the nation experience a Great Spiritual Awakening resulting in millions of conversions out of prayerful desperation. We’ll be live-streaming the Brady, TX event @ & @ internationally (the national Prayer At The Heart event, that took place in Lebanon, Kansas, last July 23rd received over 6 million views)! Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body. When it comes to matters of the heart, in April we cannot forget that God so Loved The World that He gave His One & Only Begotten Son, Jesus. On the 10th most will be celebrating Palm Sunday, when Messiah rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, as prophesied in Zechariah, but we must admit that His Second Coming is Closer Now, Than When We First Believed and He’ll be coming in the clouds, triumphantly riding a white horse. Holy Thursday is April 14th, ironically Passover and Good Friday come together on the 15th, with Resurrection Sunday on the 17th, the last day of Passover on Saturday the 23rd, Orthodox Easter on the 24th and Holocaust Rememberance Day/Yom HaShoah is commemorated on April 27th, which on the Biblical Hebrew Calendar corresponds with the 27th day of the month of Nisan. In the article, ‘A Promise Of A Servant’s Heart,’ by Gary Wilkerson, he writes, ‘Remembering the cross and what Jesus endured there, however, causes the heart of the servant to spring up within us. Because we have been “crucified with Christ,” our servant-heart can reach others with his love and help them also to be changed.’ Author David W. Fagerberg, commenting on Gregory the Great’s Moralia in Job, in his book, Liturgical Mysticism says, ‘Within us dwells charity, which animates the heart with love for God and love for neighbor, it is one love with two objects. From above shines a light by which faith sees the world; it is the Taboric light that shines from the altar at every eighth day.’ Mount Tabor is the traditional location for the transfiguration of Jesus Christ as recorded in the synoptic gospels. Christ’s light which then shone, later became the ecstacies experienced by the mystics. The Metamorphosis of Christ Sensible light shows things to our senses. The intellectual light is to manifest the truth which is contained in thoughts. Prayerfully consider all of these things, along with the times and seasons we’re living in, ask God to give you true spiritual discernment, as to what He would have you do, so that we can all come into His fullness and have Him heal our land! The Beautiful Gospel Conference 2022 is coming to Grace Church in Albuquerque from May 11-14 with Keynote Speakers: Brad Jersak – Author of A More Christlike God, Brian Zahnd – Author of Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God and Cherith Nordling – Author of Knowing God by Name. You can register today @ or call: 1-877-736-0803. READ: John 14:1-3, 18-20; 10:11; 17:3; 1:1; Phil. 4:9; Mic. 6:8; 7:19; 1 Thess. 5:23; Ps. 34:17; 73:25; 123:2; Dan. 12:3; 2:21-22; Eph. 4:32; 1:7-8; 2:4-6; Rom. 2:6-7; 6:23; 15:13; Jas. 5:7; Lam. 3:22-23; Gal. 2:16; Ezek. 36:27; 1 Cor. 1:30-31; 10:31; Titus 3:5; Jude 1:24-25; 2 Cor. 8:9 & Hos. 14:9. PRAY for what’s happening between the Ukraine and Russia! I’ll be preaching at Revive Church, 800 Polaris Blvd. Rio Rancho 87124, Sunday, April 3rd, 10am, located in The Star Heights Recreation Center, ALL are Welcome to attend + invite others! Please share this information with like minded people you know and send whatever is happening my way, so I can get it out in time for our next NM Prayer Connect Newsletter + if you or someone you know are interested in holding a prayer event in or around our state, don’t hesitate to contact me. Blessings, Mark Tross NM Prayer Connect Coordinator |
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