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Espanola Prayer Session, Saturday, October 24th



Attention: Pastors and Church Leadership and Congregations,

You  are  cordially  invited  to  a  prayer  session  on, Saturday,  October  24th,  2015  at the EVHS Water Tank hill.   Our goal is to gather Christian people from the local churches to pray for the Valley of Española and the surrounding Pueblos.  This will be our Annual Meeting, as we have met each season this year and we plan to continue to meet each season until the coming the Lord.

We are asking the Lord for revival in our land and for God’s will be done in the hearts of the people in Northern New Mexico.

Prayer topics:

For Repentance and Forgiveness of past and present sins

For the Leaders in Government and Educational systems, Businesses and Churches   For the breaking of strongholds the enemy has established

(Addictions:  alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality)  

For Family restoration and unity

For Spiritual Blessings and Financial Prosperity.

Individuals can bring up other prayer needs.

We will meet at the EVHS Water Tank hill at 10: 00 a.m. bringing our Petitions to the Lord.

We would appreciate it if you, as the Pastor of the Church, will extend this invitation to your

Congregation from the pulpit and post the attached flyer on your church bulletin board.

May God Bless You and Thank You for your willingness to assist us in this Prayer

Session.  We hope to see you all there.



Joe Gonzales 


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