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Connecting His Body through Prayer

A Christian Prayer Gathering

Roswell, NM

Saturday, January 10

 Roswell (2)

A “ChristianBody.Net” and “New Mexico Prayer Connect”
Gathering for Prayer


Date:   Saturday, January 10

Place:  The Hall

               1211 West First Street

               Roswell, NM

Time:  12 Noon

RSVP: (575) 937-3528 or (575) 317-8041


Join the body of Christ for fellowship, introductions, briefings and prayer with prayer ministries across New Mexico.  Lunch will be provided so please RSVP.


Purpose of Gathering:

  1. Get acquainted.  Help praying people meet with and connect with others for support.
  2. Share prayer needs for various areas.
  3. Share any words or revelation that may supply direction for prayer and other ministry.
  4. Consider ways to communicate or network.
  5. Spend time sharing the Lord in prayer.

For information and to RSVP Call Grover (575) 937-3528 or Dwain (575) 317-8041


 Cross1 (2)






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