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Word for New Mexico from the Lord

Dr. Leslie Keegel
Vice-chairman of the Foursquare Church International
Colombo, Sri Lanka

I see three big strongholds which keeps New Mexico in bondage,
1. Drug and other addiction controlled crime. I see strong evil principalities behind this.
2. Powers of darkness of a higher order having access into almost every institution in the community. They are strengthened constantly through atmosphere darkening witchcraft.
3. Spirits of violence and of restlessness roam around the community unchecked. Their potent activity emerges through strongholds created by ancient and present day shedding of the blood of the innocent.

I see the Church though rising to her task, filled in the power of the Holy Spirit as a result of prayer support and intense spiritual warfare.
Youth and child intercessors are being raised up both locally and globally in answer to prayer of the saints for New Mexico.

I see a great spring of water breaking forth from the belly of the state. This will cause the dry and barren land to be watered. It will not remain dry or barren, for I am causing the healing streams from my Springs of life to break forth says the Lord. She will be refreshed and made fruitful for her barrenness will be healed. Crime will decrease and eventually stop, it will be through a process of much spiritual travailing and prayer . This process of deliverance from crime will speed up depending on the intensity and consistency of prayers of the Church and repentance of those who dwell in the land.

The powers of darkness will be overcome and will cease to have access into the fabric of the society. The atmosphere will light up with the glory of God showing up as civic leaders and the elders in the community seek to,honor the Lord and act in acknowledgement of God’s Holy presence; ” If my people who are called by name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn form their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. ( 2 Chronicles 7:14). I will open the heavens says the Lord and bless you and your land in a manner which is recorded in Deuteronomy 28 :  1 – 13. Blessed by the Lord this state will be the most fruitful state in this nation if you; 1.Covenant  with the Lord to obey His word and honor His presence. 2. Repent of the the shedding of innocent blood. 3. Throw down your altars of witchcraft and 4.Cease  from communicating with the dead. I will dispel darkness and death from your midst says the awesome and living God. Each home of the intercessors will be a candle lit ” light houses”, to replace darkness with God’s marvelous light. I will unite, inspire and revive the Church and bless your land through her. Your leaders will take tasks assigned to them by the state as  given and commissioned by the Lord, and thereby servant leadership will emerge  to break the bonds of oppression to release its people to experience true freedom, peace and reconciliation which comes from the Lord.

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