“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the
Word of their Testimony”
Please Pray for this Upcoming Project…
Testify World Conference
October 18-19, 2013
Kimo Theater
Pray for a DEPTH of the spirit of Christ to be revealed through the testimonies of our 20 Featured Speakers
Pray for a Spirit of Excellence in the development of this project.
Pray for ‘Chariots of Fire’ to surround everyone involved in this project that the enemy would not gain a foothold in any aspect.
Pray for a POWERFUL moving of the Holy Spirit to impact lives around our community and our nation.
Pray for 15 Ambassadors from around the country to be raised up to join us in planting this model in communities around our nation.
If you would like to join us in
“COVERING Testify World in PRAYER”
Please send email to
For more insight into the World of Testify
Click HERE
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