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National Day of Prayer Task Force Tour Bus to stop in Albuquerque for Prayer Rally

The National Day of Prayer Task Force headquartered in Colorado Springs is on a bus tour this summer holding prayer rallies in 37 states.  They are meeting with pastors and intercessors in each state to pray for the state and the nation.  They will be in Albuquerque for a Prayer Rally on Thursday, August 29 at New Beginnings Church.

America has probably never been in more need of prayer than today.  We need to come together and pray fervently for our nation.  Please spread the word about this prayer rally to your friends and join us for prayer at one or both of the following events.

When:    Thursday, August 29
11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Where:   New Beginnings Church
3601 Montgomery Blvd. NE  87109
(Corner of Montgomery and Carlisle, a few blocks east of I-25)

Host:       Pastor Richard Mansfield

Lunch?    No food will be served.  We encourage you to eat before or after the prayer meeting,
or if you feel led by the Holy Spirit, to fast during the noon hour as we join in prayer.

We will begin indoors with a brief time of worship.  Then one of the members of the National Day of Prayer Task Force will speak to us briefly about the power of prayer and the things we need to be praying for.  Following that we will launch into a time of fervent prayer for our nation.  We hope to move outside to pray later during the event, so consider wearing some sunscreen, as the sun can get rather intense in New Mexico in August.


For those who cannot be at the Prayer Rally on Thursday or who just want another opportunity to pray with the NDP Task Force, they will be at the Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening, August 28.

When:    Wednesday, August 28
7:00 – 8:20 pm

Where:   Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church sanctuary
8600 Academy Rd. NE  87111
(Corner of Academy and Moon)

Hosts:     Lori Robb, Church Prayer Coordinator, and Pastor Aaron McMillan

To find out more about the NDPTF bus tour, see http://nationaldayofprayer.org/on-the-road-to-pray-for-america/

A Children-in-Prayer Update!

Please view this link for the latest Children in Prayer update!

Click Here

Children in Prayer Meeting on June 7th

Seek first the kingdom of God And His righteousness and all things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

Please join us as we gather with a multi-generational mindset to seek the Lord in the place of prayer for His desires for us personally, for our city and state and for the nations. Our monthly gathering this month will be a night of worship and prayer inviting and allowing the presence of God to invade our hearts. We believe Children in Prayer has been established here in New Mexico in order to gain the heart of the Father through prayer and gathering with all generations in unity to call on the name of the Lord. CiP NM has a mandate for releasing a generation to become an active member of the body of Christ.

Where: 1016 Juan Tabo NE

When: June 7th, 2013

Time: 6:30 pm- midnight

Contact: Tanya Griego @ 505-301-0262 or email cipnewmexico@gmail.com

New Email Address for NM Prayer Connect

To contact NM Prayer Connect, please use the new email address: contact@nmprayerconnect.org.


Children in Prayer event with Bishop Peter Sekhonyane

Children in Prayer welcomes Bishop Peter Sekhonyane from South Africa to share about mobilizing children and youth in prayer.  Bishop Peter and his team have established thousands of prayer watches in crime-ridden, violent towns and seen amazing transformations happen. He is also working among thousands of children to help them raise them up as agents of transformation. He has a strong mandate from God to raise up Children’s Houses of Prayer in South Africa.

Please join us as welcome Bishop Sekhonyane to share his passion for prayer and stir us to become a land where the people pray and believe for Christ’s transformation.

When: April 19th,2013

Where: Courtyard Marriot

5151 Journal Central Boulevard

Time: 6:30-9:00

Contact: Tanya Griego 505-301-0262 or at  cipnewmexico@gmail.com